Wall to Wall
Douglas Woolf
Not Available
Some Instructions to My Wife
Stanley Crawford and 1 more
20 Lines a Day
Harry Mathews
Short Rhetoric for Leaving the Family
Peter Dimock and 1 more
What Waiting Really Means
June Akers Seese
Fire the Bastards!
Jack Green and 1 more
Century 21
Ewa Kuryluk and 1 more
Words for a Deaf Daughter and Gala: A Fictional Sequel
Paul West
Sister Carrie
Lauren Fairbanks and 1 more
American Woman in the Chinese Hat
Carole Maso
Novel of Thank You
Ms Gertrude Stein and 1 more
Jack Kerouac Is Pregnant
Aurelie Sheehan
Tar Baby
Jerome Charyn and 1 more
Rikki Ducornet
Susan Daitch
Island People
Coleman Dowell
God Head
Scott Zwiren
Lyric of the Circle Heart
William Eastlake
Collected Fiction
Professor Louis Zukofsky and 1 more
Roger Boylan and 2 more
Pack of Lies
Gilbert Sorrentino
John Hawkes
Harry Mathews and 1 more
Reyoung and 1 more
Felipe Alfau and 1 more
Giscome Road
C S Giscombe
Robert L McLaughlin
Sky Changes
Monstrous Possibility
Curtis White
Memories of My Father Watching TV
Take Five
D Keith Mano
Felipe Alfau and 3 more
Stanley Elkin and 2 more
Crystal Vision
Heartbreak Hotel
Gabrielle Burton and 1 more
Sinking of the Odradek Stadium
Castle Keep
Singular Pleasures
Lucy Church Amiably
Ms Gertrude Stein
Houses of Children
Coleman Dowell and 1 more
Blue Pastoral
David Antin
Modern Poetry and the Idea of Language
Professor Gerald L Bruns
Rabbi of Lud
Stanley Elkin and 1 more
Something Said
Romancer Erector
Diane Williams
Collected Prose
Robert Creeley and 1 more
Italian Stories
Joseph Papaleo
Susan Daitch and 1 more
Jim Krusoe and 1 more
Human Country
YA! & John-Juan
Douglas Woolf and 1 more
Van Gogh's Room at Arles
Essays on Poetry
Ralph J Mills and 1 more
Ralph J Mills Jr and 1 more
Mr. Dynamite
Meredith Brosnan
Bamboo Bed
Eastlake William and 1 more
Hedyphagetica A Romantic Argument After Certain Old Models, & Containing an Assortment of Heroes, Scenes of Anthropophagy & of Pathos, an Apology for Epicurism, & Many Objections Raised Against It, To
Austryn Wainhouse
Rhode Island Notebook
Gabriel Gudding
Theatre of Incest
Alain AriasMisson and 1 more
Presentable Art of Reading Absence
Jay Wright
Polynomials and Pollen
Mirror in the Well
Micheline Aharonian Marcom
One Marvelous Thing
Talking Out of School
Kass Fleisher
What We Were Doing and Where We Were Going
Damion Searls
Perfect Lives
Robert Ashley and 1 more
In Partial Disgrace
Charles Newman and 1 more